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Everyone in employee benefits and HR knows that data matters.  On this episode, we talk with insurtech leader and President of Selerix, Lyle Griffin. Lyle shares why the move from legacy EDI feeds to plug-and-play API technology is the future of insurance benefits enrollment and eligibility data. This move helps employers and brokers go from a weekly “fire and forget" model of data exchange to a real-time data synchronization model.  Reducing errors and saving time.  Lyle also unveils a new data standard known as WBEDX that he has been working on with LIMRA that will be rolled out in early 2020 to the entire industry. To keep up with the WBEDX LIMRA standards progress visit: For more info on Selerix and to connect with Lyle Griffin visit: Lyle Griffin – LinkedIn  

To read the full post go to Benefits Influencer. We’ve shared this because we think it may be helpful to the insurance community.

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