by Content Curated | Feb 19, 2019 | Curated, Insurance Agency Marketing
Read the full post >> Andrea Fryrear. A good Agile marketing definition can be hard to come by. The tough part is that it’s a combination of two very easily misunderstood words: “Agile” and “marketing.” For those who haven’t spent a lot of time exploring its nuances,...
by Content Curated | Jan 22, 2019 | Curated, Insurance Agency Marketing
Read the full post >> Andrea Fryrear. Over the past twelve months I’ve personally trained around 750 marketers from all kinds of industries and all types of teams, and I can tell you without hesitation that we’re trying to do too much. Here’s how I know: I keep...
by Content Curated | Dec 4, 2018 | Curated, Insurance Agency Marketing
Read the full post >> Andrea Fryrear. Agile marketing certification: a waste of time and money, or a crucial stepping stone on the path to true agility? This question is part of a larger, ongoing debate in the larger Agile community. So this Agile Marketing Minute...
by Content Curated | Oct 10, 2018 | Curated, Insurance Agency Marketing
Read the full post >> Andrea Fryrear. Like it or not, marketing teams are going to experience interruptions. They might be the good kind, like an emerging news event that we want to join the conversation about. Or they might be the bad kind, like a PR disaster that we...
by Content Curated | Sep 19, 2018 | Curated, Insurance Agency Marketing
Read the full post >> Andrea Fryrear. No matter how you look at it, Agile marketing is a very powerful force. Its positive impact is felt from the most recently hired individual contributors who are just trying to be better at their jobs, all the way up to the C...